Community Art Tour - Guide Yourself!
Walk or Bike map
Click on the map to follow step by step on Google Maps.
Drive MapClick on the map to follow step by step on Google Maps.
We have two maps for the tour: one for walking/biking and another for driving. Both have all the exact same stops. The main differences are:
a) the driving map follows right of way for roads (which bicyclists should also be mindful of) and b) the walk/bike map crosses 94 between tour stops 5 and 6 via a pedestrian bridge on Grotto, which is not passable by car. On the plus side there is a great view of stop 3- Dale Street Bridge - from the Grotto Street bridge. It takes about 75-90min to walk, 45-60min to bike, 25-40min to drive, give or tak how long you stay at each stop. Here are the stops on the tour, plus two side adventures. Click on each stop below to see a virtual gallery, artist information, and other media.
1. Victoria Theater and Ryan Plumbing 2. Rondo Community Library 3. Dale Street Bridge 4. Walker West Side Adventure 1: Golden Thyme Coffee & Cafe - a neighborhood staple for coffee, music, and connection. 5. Rondo Commemorative Plaza Side Adventure 2: Lafond & Grotto (and surrounding areas) - Sidewalk Poetry 6. Frogtown Park and Farm |
Note: The last stop on the tour is the Frogtown Park and Farm. If you would like to make a complete circuit and begin and end at the Victoria Theater, travel south down Milton Ave until you get to University Ave. Turn left onto University Ave, travel 1.5 blocks, and the Victoria Theater will be on the left, just passed the intersection of Victoria Ave and University Ave.
Many thanks to Alia Jeraj, Dantes Ha, Aki Shibata, and Chava Curland for creating this tour!